Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thank You

It's been a year. I lit a candle today in honour of my grandfather. It's been an interesting year to say the least. I have a lot to be thankful for.
To the people who held my hand through the tough times, listened to me rant on the phone and went out in the morning to buy me a know who you are.
Thank you :)


Rehana said...

It's been a year since your grandfather passed away? Already. Time flies. Sorry babe. Gotta move on, right. But I'm glad you've survived it. Knew you would! Keep Smiling! I'm always online, a bit invisible actually, so much to do and such little time. I'll talk to you on Tuesday, my exams finish then, and no more deadlines (am giving up on work for a while!) All the best babe. Happy Thanksgiving? :)

R!@ said...

thanks :) exam is on wednesday morning. leaving for home on thursday! will chat with you from Blore..sawa? ;)