Monday, April 27, 2009

Wrong Direction

In India, people don't follow road rules. You'd be deemed crazy and probably run over if you attempt to maintain some semblance of order for any extended period of time. After a while, it becomes apparent that this lack of 'rule-following' spills over into other walks of life; cutting in line, walking, crossing the road!

Case in point-
  1. We think it's just fine to join our friends in a line which extends half-way up the block and consists of people who came half an hour before us.
  2. When in groups, it has been observed that we walk like we 'own' the road; we cover the entire width and eye-ball people coming in the opposite direction (as if they're the ones who are causing an inconvenience to us).
  3. Crossing roads-don't even get me started on this one! We have this weird form of red-green colour blindness, where in we consider both colours as an indication that we can cross the road :)

Have you ever noticed while walking down the street in the US that people always walk on a particular side and you'll find a 'desi' walking on the side he's not 'supposed' to be on? It's hilarious! The Americans probably think we're crazy because in their minds, 'left' is "right". Little do they know that unless we're brain-washed at an early stage, 'right' is always going to be "right" for us :)

So to all my fellow road-blockers out there..Jai Hind! May we cause even more confusion in the hallways, wherever we go!


Ramya said...

haha.. nice post :D

mohith said...

haha... I have so been there ... especially the last part ... where we are on the wrong side of the pavement....