[This is something I wrote a few months ago. Thought it was apt to add this to my newly made blog]
Rewind.....9-10 months ago...
Summer's set in on good old Vellore. You can tell by the way everyone avoids leaving their rooms in the sweltering afternoons unless they want to risk complete dehydration and planning their walks around campus based on which building has decent bathrooms or water coolers :P
It's at times like this..that you feel like DOING something. ANYTHING! It must be the heat, you tell yourself..the only solace are the brief food breaks (essential for sanity) and 15 minute breaks in an A/C lab. The end of college still seems eons away. Who thinks about stuff like that anyway?
May 2007
We're almost done. With each passing day, we try pushing it further and further into the background. Nobody talks about it. I guess if we don't talk about it, it might not happen..
But with whatever we did..the inevitable happened. Every day had a new person to say 'good-bye' to. You try and keep a straight face..smile and wave..but even the slightest degree of emotion on the other person's face can make the hardest nuts to crack sob like a little baby when their backs are turned.
It ended with pregnant silences that seemed to leave everything and nothing unsaid (ironic,huh?); hugs with each person hesitant to let go; promises to meet again, to keep in touch, tears. But above everything else, it ended in a feeling of emptiness- a hollow feeling that eventually gave way to the realization that a way of life had just been laid to rest, and that this chapter of our lives had finally come to a close.
Present Day
People have moved on. Conversations only occur when a real effort is made. The old voices never fail to make you smile :) The old pictures now remind you of what seems like a distant memory. You almost have to pinch yourself to feel the pain at times. It feels like that candle has been snuffed out leaving you in total darkness.
There's talk of a reunion. Will that ever happen? God knows. The enthusiasm dwindles. But come what may..you still hope that you share the same magic with those people. That you can pick up from where you left off. That there's something left to rediscover when you go back!
The memories never fail to make you smile :) Those were happy times. The good life. When you could pick up the phone and talk for free! Those long drawn out conversations about some vague concept (which seemed important at the time). It's those memories which we all hold on to. Times moves on. People do too. But nothing can take away the memories of those times :D They did happen..and that small candle blowing in the wind will continue to burn for as long as those memories live on.
Rewind.....9-10 months ago...
Summer's set in on good old Vellore. You can tell by the way everyone avoids leaving their rooms in the sweltering afternoons unless they want to risk complete dehydration and planning their walks around campus based on which building has decent bathrooms or water coolers :P
It's at times like this..that you feel like DOING something. ANYTHING! It must be the heat, you tell yourself..the only solace are the brief food breaks (essential for sanity) and 15 minute breaks in an A/C lab. The end of college still seems eons away. Who thinks about stuff like that anyway?
May 2007
We're almost done. With each passing day, we try pushing it further and further into the background. Nobody talks about it. I guess if we don't talk about it, it might not happen..
But with whatever we did..the inevitable happened. Every day had a new person to say 'good-bye' to. You try and keep a straight face..smile and wave..but even the slightest degree of emotion on the other person's face can make the hardest nuts to crack sob like a little baby when their backs are turned.
It ended with pregnant silences that seemed to leave everything and nothing unsaid (ironic,huh?); hugs with each person hesitant to let go; promises to meet again, to keep in touch, tears. But above everything else, it ended in a feeling of emptiness- a hollow feeling that eventually gave way to the realization that a way of life had just been laid to rest, and that this chapter of our lives had finally come to a close.
Present Day
People have moved on. Conversations only occur when a real effort is made. The old voices never fail to make you smile :) The old pictures now remind you of what seems like a distant memory. You almost have to pinch yourself to feel the pain at times. It feels like that candle has been snuffed out leaving you in total darkness.
There's talk of a reunion. Will that ever happen? God knows. The enthusiasm dwindles. But come what may..you still hope that you share the same magic with those people. That you can pick up from where you left off. That there's something left to rediscover when you go back!
The memories never fail to make you smile :) Those were happy times. The good life. When you could pick up the phone and talk for free! Those long drawn out conversations about some vague concept (which seemed important at the time). It's those memories which we all hold on to. Times moves on. People do too. But nothing can take away the memories of those times :D They did happen..and that small candle blowing in the wind will continue to burn for as long as those memories live on.
Haha.. Babe... nice one for a first timer.. n whats all the BS bout principle blogger huh/... God... Ur nuts.. But Nuts in a nice way... hey.. is this good enough for your testi..:)
'tuesday's gone' ... isn't that a song by Lynyrd Skynyrd?
@ hana- No..this does NOT qualify as a testi!
@ gsk- Shame on you. that's all you could come up with? :P
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