Saturday, May 3, 2008


I'm home :D

The last few days have been spent wondering how I was feeling so weird about leaving Delhi and not as excited as I thought I would be about the thought of going home after 5 months. That all changed the moment I got on the flight heading to Mangalore from Mumbai. The mumbling in the background wasn't the usual Hindi that I had learned to tune out to. It was a language I actually associate with 'home' - Kannada.

The sudden feeling of elation that I had was so overwhelming that I rushed to my seat before I made a total fool out of myself.

That's when it struck me. I was almost home. And it felt amazing :)


Mithun Jacob said...

Yeah..sometimes you feel like standing there and soaking in that language till all you feel is the sweet pain of having been parted from home for so long combined with the knowledge that wil be home.

Nice post :)

PS: there was a typo in the first one.

R!@ said...

@ mgj - :) amazing feeling to be back home indeed