Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I normally shy away from topics such as religion and personal belief. I doubt that will change any time soon but it doesn't mean that I won't clarify my stand (however vague it may seem to others) from time to time. Half of the hesitation comes about because I'm scared to find out deep dark notions lodged in my friends’ brains. What if I don't particularly like what I find out?

But today I decided to throw caution to the wind. As a new acquaintance told me, it is better you think of it this way; during those conversations you might learn things about the person that might give you a new perspective on life, change your outlook or attitude! The truth is the real nature of people comes out in such debates and that could prove to be a good thing as well as bad.

What I’m going to end up saying here has probably already been said before. I’m not your typical religious person. I’m a first-class case of neither-here-nor-there. I’m a strong believer in the freedom of expression as long as it not used to bring down or disgrace a particular person or community. I dislike extremes.

I believe in karma; what you give is what you get. Things might go astray but they will eventually work out someday (some way or the other). I’d like to think that there’s someone watching over me. It gives me a sense of comfort when things don’t work out the way I would have liked them to. I’m not a fan of thoughts being forced down your throat. But that doesn’t mean to say that I’m not open to other opinions. I just might not agree with them.

If only the more subtle forms of religion dominated the world, it would surely be a better place. To the vast majority of atheists in the world, religion is associated with the fundamentalists; the likes of Osama bin Laden or Hitler. They are/were all too influential and everyone in the modern world will have to deal with the likes of them at some point in their lives. Not a single religion I can think of is devoid of fundamentalists. Sad but true.

I refuse to believe that religion is the cause of all evil on this earth. Blind faith and misinterpretation-maybe. The existence of God will continue to debated upon for centuries to come. That is if we don’t manage to bring upon our own destruction prematurely with all our antics to make this world a better place to live in, thereby destroying it in the process. For the time being, I am happy to take comfort in the unknown. Even science has its limits in this regard. There are some things that even the greatest scientists this world has ever produced haven’t been able to understand. What would happen to all the fun if we had all the answers anyway?

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
I hope one day you'll join us
And the world will live as one." --- John Lennon


gsk said...

was really able to associate with some of the thoughts... nice!

M0H!TH said...

I totally agree with the karma and destiny funda, what has to happen & will happen whatever it be.

Anonymous said...

I have different reasons for not discussing religion. I am very aware that what I believe is likely not rational nor even reasonable. But since my mode of operation in such a conversation seems to be to ask question - well, I offend people. Plus of course if you push me far enough, I'll get too involved in what's going on :P I'm sure you remember those times.

I'm glad you can articulate what you believe in clearly; I have not that. :)

Unknown said...

very impressed with the way u dealt with such a HUGE topic and I agree with you for most of the part....anyways as an ATHEIST....i feel that religion must be a private matter in the home...once it is in the public and once it affects us in the WRONG way(atheists) automatically it should be open for discussion like any other points of view. Why are we downplayed and out casted for just saying something.( here I am talking about religious intolerance towards atheists if u know wat i mean)