7 things I miss:
- Hostel. The late night chats. The ability to walk down the corridor and have meaningful (and at times, totally meaningless) conversations with people you actually care about.
- Talks with my grandfather over the dining table. We used to laugh about it and want to run away while the conversation was taking place..but the thought that those conversations can't take place anymore makes me want them all the more.
- Home. It gets to you while you're there but after some time being out, you just crave the food..people..and the fact that you can sit back, relax and 'be yourself'.
- Being a kid. The thought of not worrying about what the future holds for me is very appealing at the moment.
- Coffee breaks during the last sem in college. The spur-of-the-moment plans that we used to hatch.
- Being less cynical about people...or maybe just life in general.
- The ability to write and express myself on demand. It takes a hell of a lot of effort these days..
- Public displays of affection..but I'm learning :)
- Control my movements when someone tickles me
- Get over my need to obsess about random shit that may not be of any consequence.
- Understand abstract art..or even abstract thought processes for that matter.
- Read books based on philosophy or fantasy. They're all the same jibberish to me
- Eat a meal big enough for two. My eyes always seem to be bigger than my stomach!
- Understand hypocrites or people who lead double-lives
- Laugh about nothing in particular until my eyes start to water.
- Write.
- Have a song constantly running through my head but the minute you ask me which one it is..I'll forget which one!
- Be mercilessly truthful on demand
- Talk to random people about stuff that doesn't particularly concern me
- Irritate close friends with my 'diplo-babble' :P
- Lose track of time when doing anything 'arty' and 'crafty'
- Discover Delhi. I intend to do this on my own..and if I end up having company..then great!
- Find myself somewhere along the way.
- Visit England, Egypt, Israel and Paris. If I could manage to go with my grandmother for a trip down memory-lane in Europe..even better.
- Go bunjee-jumping
- Do something totally reckless..and not regret it one bit the next morning!
- Live life..yes, just live life and take things as they come.
- Smile..and make others smile in the process :)
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Hey babe! Totally Awesome post.. haha.. i miss all those things too.. well.. not talking to your grandad, cos i didnt know him that well.. but everything bout college:( So When are we going Bungee Jumping:)
Oy.. y did you delete GSK's Comment then:)
u got me nostalgic :P ... i miss hostel; damn those were some good days (mostly)... lol!
@hana- we should really plan bungee jumping together. I'd chicken out if I was to do it on my own..it'll be like a replay of the time we went to get your nose piercing done!
@gsk - finally one decent comment from u! thank you :)
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